Follow a heart-healthy diet every day:

  • Choose unsaturated liquid oils instead of saturated spreadable fats such as butter, shortening and hydrogenated vegetable oils;
  • Choose more high fibre and soluble fiber rich foods throughout your day, including brightly colored vegetables and fruit and whole grain foods;
  • Use refined grain products, sugars and sweets sparingly;
  • Choose lean cuts of animal foods and plant based proteins such as beans, peas, lentils, and small amounts of nuts and seeds – for most snacks and meals;
  • Choose fatty fish, lean cuts of poultry and omega-3 enriched eggs more often than red meats;
  • Choose skim or 1% milk fat milk and yogurt products and low fat fortified soy products;
  • Drink  fluids regularly throughout your day and make water your #1 choice;
  • Drink alcohol in moderation, unless contraindicated.

Generally, your Total Cholesterol, Low Density Lipoprotein-cholesterol, and Triglyceride levels should begin to improve two to three weeks after you begin to follow a heart-healthy diet.